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Trusted Firmware Project October 2018 Update

Trusted Firmware| Monday, November 5, 2018|1 min read

In this presentation is a detailed progress update of this exciting community open source project - Link to update presentation

For more information or to get involved, the Trusted Firmware Project maintains the following mailing lists for developers on mailman:


How to subscribe: Send an e-mail command to (listname may for example be tf-a, tf-m ) with one of the following commands in the subject line. Common commands are help, subscribe and unsubscribe. Go to (listname may for example be tf-m. tf-a-tests) and use the web interface to subscribe, unsubscribe or log into the list management interface.

Trusted Firmware A (TF-A) is used widely throughout the Arm ecosystem. It’s been joined by Trusted Firmware M (TF-M) reference code which supports the Arm Platform Security Architecture (PSA) program. By becoming a member of this project, your organization will be able to steer the strategy of the project. If you would like your organization to be a member, please get in touch with for more details.

Bill Fletcher Linaro Community Projects Division

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