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Trusted Firmware-M v1.2.0

Shebu Kuriakose| Monday, November 30, 2020|2 min read

Trusted Firmware-M: v1.2.0


Trusted Firmware-M (TF-M) v1.2.0 is the TF-M release tag made on 25th of November 2020. This tag has a new set of features, enhancements, and platforms since TF-Mv1.1 tag.

Highlights of TF-M v1.2.0

While there have been around 370 commits in TF-M master branch since TF-Mv1.1, here are some of the highlights included in TF-Mv1.2.0:

In addition to this latest release, the TF-M mini-website as part of the new Trusted Firmware website was launched recently. The Open Test System has also started testing more build configurations for multiple platforms. Mbed OS, Free RTOS, TF-M CMSIS Pack and Zephyr upstream integration of Trusted Firmware-M are expected to be updated to TF-M v1.2.0 soon.

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