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Trusted Firmware-M v1.7.0 updates

Shebu Kuriakose| Thursday, December 8, 2022|3 min read

Trusted Firmware-M: v1.7.0: New Profile, Improve Configurability and FWU API 1.0


Trusted Firmware-M (TF-M) v1.7.0 was released on 8 th December 2022. The major additions in the release include new Medium-ARoT-less profile, improving configurability by introducing Kconfig and configuration header files along with the Base configuration and alignment with PSA Certified Firmware Update API 1.0.

Release Highlights

Below are the main additions in TF-Mv1.7.0:

More details can be found here. Testing of the release has been done on Open CI. The next (v1.8.0) release will be in April 2023. Any security fixes prior to the next release will be made available as patch releases in v1.7.x release branch.

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